ClimateWest Forum: The benefits of early adaptation action

ClimateWest's inaugural forum took place in Winnipeg and online on May 3-4, 2023


This free, hybrid event brought together ClimateWest’s past, current, and expanding network across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba from a wide range of sectors, communities, and perspectives. Presentations focused on the benefits of taking action early to address climate impacts.


Date: May 3-4, 2023

Location: This hybrid event took place at the Inn at the Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba and online.

Cost: Free  (admission to the Forum, meals and refreshments).


ClimateWest Forum Goals:

The ClimateWest Forum provided an opportunity for attendees to:

  • Learn about the current state of knowledge around climate sciences, adaptation, climate data, and information.
  • Discover how people and communities throughout the region are planning for climate change.
  • Gain a better understanding of the projected costs of climate change to the region and beyond, as well as the benefits of proactive adaptation.
  • Hear the experiences of those throughout the region that are actively working to understand their climate risks, limit their vulnerabilities to climate change, and prepare for our changing future.
  • Network, share, and learn from adaptation actors from across the Prairies.


Key Takeaways

Over two days, we heard from 16 incredible speakers who shared a wealth of knowledge. We’ve put together this report to highlight our top 5 takeaways from the forum.


We are pleased to share the presentations from the forum below:


Download the full agenda here for a list of speakers and topics that were explored at the forum.


We are pleased to share the recordings from each forum session below:

Day 1 – May 3, 2023

Day 2 – May 4, 2023


We gratefully acknowledge our event sponsors for helping us achieve our forum goals. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for future forums,  please email