ClimateWest is proud to unveil its first annual report showcasing the organization’s progress, achievements, and plans for the future. Established as a non-profit organization in 2021, ClimateWest provides free climate services across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Working closely with the Canadian Centre for Climate Services (CCCS), ClimateWest is part of a growing network of regional climate service providers who are dedicated to helping Canadians prepare for our changed and changing climate.

Inforgraphic to show ClimateWest highlights in 2022/2023.

ClimateWest’s founding partners – the Prairie Climate Centre (PCC), the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) – harnessed their unique strengths to create a hub of Prairie-focused climate information, research, analysis, training, outreach and tools. Today, ClimateWest continues to build on the strong foundation established by these three highly respected organizations, meeting the need for an organization dedicated to amplifying, connecting, collaborating, championing, facilitating and translating climate adaptation information for a diverse audience.

ClimateWest’s goals are to increase capacity and understanding regarding a changing climate and to support region-wide efforts to adapt to these changes in the Prairie region. With this in mind, highlights from the past year include the first annual forum, 3 regionally relevant knowledge products, expanding and strengthening the network through 54 one-on-one networking meetings, a 145% increase in combined social followers (newsletter, LinkedIn, and X), and the launch of the Adaptation in Action Program.

Kerra Chomlak joined ClimateWest as the Executive Director in September 2022 and was instrumental in the early 2023 strategic expansion. “I am delighted to have contributed to ClimateWest’s growth over the past year. Our latest knowledge products, webinars, workshops, and the Inaugural Forum have positioned ClimateWest as a trusted source of information for many in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Building this trust has been possible due to the invaluable contributions of our three founding partners, along with the ongoing support from the governments of Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba,” said Chomlak.

Looking ahead to the future, Chomlak reflected upon the principles at the heart of ClimateWest’s work. “Recognizing the significant task ahead to build climate resilience in these provinces, we are committed to upholding our core values of inclusivity, collaboration, and equity. We encourage everyone to reach out to ClimateWest with their climate questions, big or small.”

In 2024, ClimateWest will focus on:

  • Raising awareness about ClimateWest and the free services the organization provides to build climate resilience in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
  • Expanding the organization’s network by connecting with more organizations working on climate resilience in the three provinces.
  • Encouraging the use of climate data in decision-making and promoting early action.
  • Hosting the second annual ClimateWest Forum in Edmonton, Alberta in Spring 2024, followed by another in Saskatchewan in 2025.
  • Engaging with Indigenous communities and organizations to enhance ClimateWest’s role as a trusted messenger on climate resilience in the Prairies.

The results of the Adaptation in Action Program will determine ClimateWest’s project priorities for the next two years.

Download the 2022/2023 ClimateWest Annual Report


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