Climate Risk and Capacity Building Needs Assessment (CRCBNA)

In 2022-23, the Climate Action and Energy Innovation Division (CAEID) implemented the Climate Risk and Capacity Building Needs Assessment (CRCBNA) Project with the Northern Affairs Communities and Northern Healthy Foods Initiative (NHFI) partner organizations in Manitoba. This project sought to enhance their climate resiliency through increasing their understanding of climate vulnerabilities and risks (and opportunities) to enable the integration of adaptation into community planning and investment decisions. Specific priority areas of climate vulnerabilities and risks discussed in the workshop focused on infrastructure, food security, health and well-being.

The CRCBNA Project was part of a suite of complementary adaptation initiatives undertaken by Manitoba. CAEID contracted Urban Systems to deliver this training and capacity building project which ran from December 15, 2022 to November 30, 2023.

The following are the resources that were developed for the project:

Workshop Presentation Slides

From February 2023 to November 2023, the project launched one virtual and three in-person Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (CVRA) workshops, which were attended by a total of 43 participants. Twenty-three of forty-eight Northern Affairs Communities participated in the project.

Through the workshops, participants learned how to :

  • Identify climate hazards
  • Identify how climate variables are projected to change
  • Identify consequences to communities
  • Assess the vulnerability of community elements to projected changes
  • Analyze the severity of potential consequences
  • Prioritize climate risks
  • Brainstorm potential adaptation actions

Download the presentation slide decks below:

Training Videos

Each training video presents the content of the Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (CVRA) Workshop delivered by Urban Systems for the participating communities and organizations in Manitoba.  Following the structure of the CVRA workbook and presentation slide deck, the video covers the following key topics: project context, climate change basics, and the climate vulnerability and risk assessment process, including the identification of potential adaptation actions.


Community Climate Profiles

Each Community Climate Profile provides datasets for multiple variables associated with each of the four key climate hazards – extreme heat, wildfire, extreme rainfall and extreme cold- that have occurred in the community in the past and how these hazards are expected to change in the future. The climate datasets, which are derived from the Climate Atlas of Canada (Climate Change in Canada | Climate Atlas of Canada), span four different time periods: 1981-2010 (baseline), 2020s (2011-2040), 2050s (2041-2070) and 2080s (2071-2100).