Planning Modules
Manitoba Climate Resilience Training
The planning modules focus on the impacts of climate change that are being seen across Manitoba and highlight the role of planners in addressing these impacts.
Manitoba's Changing Climate
This course applies climate model projections for communities across Manitoba to illustrate how future risks, vulnerabilities and opportunities will need to be integrated into future projects.
Download: Slide Deck Presentation
Presented by: The Prairie Climate Centre
A Path Forward
This module seeks to highlight and bridge the existing policies, legislation and efforts currently employed within Manitoba from the watershed-level down to site-specific considerations. Recent advents to codes/standards; the integration of Integrated Watershed Management Plans provisions; four phases of community adaptation; and current Climate Change Action (Adaptation) Plans in Province are all reviewed.
Download: Slide Deck Presentation
Dollars and Sense
This module builds off of guidance provided in the National Issues Report and from the Municipal Natural Asset Initiative in framing the importance of preserving and re-establishing natural systems. Participants will review landscape management principles across scales; online economic valuation tools; basic cost-benefit analysis of varying infrastructural approaches; and the principles of ecosystem services.
Download: Slide Deck Presentation
Presented by: HTFC Planning & Design, The Prairie Climate Centre